我是专门收垃圾的! 在我的垃圾窝装满了许许多多的垃圾 每一个垃圾的背后都有一段故事。。。 若不嫌葬就捡来看看喽 ^^

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

[bypass] iCLoud activation on Ipad's/ipod's and iPhone4,4[s] "Temp"

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory of your PC and open hosts file with your notepad

1st: Edit your hosts file & add this line : albert.apple.com

2nd : OPEN ITUNES & CONNECT YOUR IPHONE OR IPAD WITH ITUNES Then wait a few second & check activation lock's bypassed
(iPhone on A5+ not working)

3ND : FINALY IPHONE 4/4S OR IPAD Bypassed seccesfully 
