When I turn old, when I am not the original me,
Please understand me and have patience with me.
When I drip gravy all over my clothes, when I forget to tie my shoelaces,
Please remember how i taught you what to do, and how to do many things by hand.
请耐心地听我说,不要打断我。 你小的时候,我不得不重復那个讲过千百遍的故事,直到你进入梦乡。
When I repeatedly tell you things that you’re tired of hearing,
Please be patient and listen to me. Please do not interrupt me. When you were young, I told you the same story over and over again until you were sound asleep.
When I need you to help me bathe,
Please do not scold me. Do you still remember how when you were small I had to coax you to take a bath?
想一想當初我怎样耐心地回答你的每一个 “为什么”。
When I do not understand new technology,
Please do not laugh at me or mock me. Please think how I used to be so patient with you to answer your every “Why”.
请伸出你年轻有力的手攙扶我。 就像你小时候学習走路时,我扶你那样。
When my two legs are tired and I cannot walk anymore,
Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands.
其实对我來说,谈论什么并不重要, 只要你能在一旁听我说,我就很满足。
When I suddenly forget what subject we are discussing,
Please give me a little time to recollect . Actually, it does not matter what we are talking about; as long as you are by my side , I am so contended and happy already.
理解我,支持我,就像你刚开始学习 如何生活时我对你那样。
When you see the old me, please do not be sad .
Please understand me and support me, just like how I was with you when you were young and were just learning to face life.
At the beginning, I guided you to the path of life . Now I ask you to keep me company to finish this last leg of my life. Give me your love and patience, I will give you a grateful smile, and crystallized in this smile is my endless love for you.
百善孝为先, 万行德为贵
给人信心 给人欢喜 给人希望 给人方便
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